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World Human Rights Day 2018

On 10th December 2018, Gimnazija Vič joined schools, governments, and organisations around the world by marking Human Rights Day. This occasion is celebrated every year on this date which was the day, in 1948, when the United Nations adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

This year was special as it was the 70th anniversary of the document being accepted by the global community so many people are looking back at the fight for rights then and the struggles that continue for human rights around the world today.

During the week of Human Rights Day, students had the chance to write messages of solidarity and letters in support of those who are facing prosecution around the world due to them working for rights for particular groups in their local societies. The focus for the 2018 programme was women who are working for human rights around the world. This was carried out in cooperation with Amnesty International who provided material and information to allow students to find out more about those in prison as a result of their fight for basic rights.

This information was also shared by members of the school’s UNESCO club who created posters and put together short presentations to encourage both teachers and students to add their names to letters and appeals for those women who are living their lives in danger and difficulty due to their fight for fundamental human rights.

Tadeja Rudolf Vahtar, one of the mentors of our UNESCO club, summed it up for those listening when she made it clear that our words can have so much power when it comes to shaping our world, providing we use them in the right way and at the right time.

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