Dogodki in novice

US Embassy guests

On 9 November 2022, we were delighted to welcome two representatives of the Embassy of the United States of America to our school.

Mr Micah Risher is the Regional English Language Officer for this area. He is based in Belgrade and his role covers the nations of Central and Eastern Europe. He was accompanied by Ms Charlotte Taft who works at the embassy in Ljubljana as the Education Coordinator.

They came to Gimnazija Vič to find out more about how English is taught at our school. As well as having the opportunity to observe a class, they had the chance to discuss a range of topics including teaching methods and studying abroad with representatives of our English language department.

They spoke highly of our students and enjoyed a short tour of the school before things began in the classroom. The topic for the day was very suitable for sharing with such visitors as our students were revising issues to do with different school systems. It added to the experience that our guests were more than happy to join in with some of the discussions and to share their own experiences.

Before leaving, our guests were presented with a collection of English language work from the last generation of Gimnazija Vič students.

We are always glad to have the chance to share our teaching styles and class formats with those from other institutions and organisations and we greatly look forward to further cooperation with the US Embassy.

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