Dogodki in novice

Decorating our classrooms (Christmas 2021)

Although some of the usual events to mark Christmas and New Year in the school had to be cancelled again due to Covid restrictions, one of the most important projects was able to continue as normal.

The current system of class bubbles meant that students were able to have their annual competition for which they have to decorate their classroom in way that is suitable for celebrating the festive season.

Students took their task seriously with a range of themes used from the traditional to the modern and with characters ranging from Santa Claus to figures from the worlds of movies and politics.

The judges had a tough job to choose the best one but they decided to assess the classrooms on three main criteria: use of colour, originality, and overall impression.

The members of the judging team were very impressed by the efforts made in all the rooms. In particular, they noted how much work had gone into the hand-made decorations and how successful the plans had been for creating a fun and festive atmosphere throughout the school.

However, they managed to come up with a shortlist of their favourites before choosing an eventual winner.

Congratulations to 1E for winning this year’s competition and we hope that all the students from this class enjoy their special prize.

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