Dogodki in novice

Science presentation – Studying and working in STEM areas

On 20th September 2022, an event called "Ne teslo, Tesla bom!" (“I won’t be an idiot, I will be a Tesla!”) was organized for our 3rd year students. During the lecture, the guests brought the students closer to technological, engineering, scientific and mathematical professions, better known as STEM academic disciplines. In terms of career orientation, students were offered help in their decision-making about further studies and their professional careers.

The captivating guests talked about their own choices when it came to studying and choosing work. There was a fantastic range of speakers including those working in computing, engineering, corporate communications, and software development.

One of the guests was a former student of our school, Žan Podlesnik, who as a student of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the University of Ljubljana participates in the Superior Engineering team. In this group, students of various faculties (mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, economics, etc.) work on the development of a complex and comprehensive product, a racing car based on the principles connected to Formula 1.

All the students who attended the presentation were grateful to the speakers for giving us such an introduction to the world of engineering and for helping us with the plans for our academic choices ahead.

Maja Mivšek

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