Dogodki in novice

Literary event – January 2023

On the 23rd January, our school’s literature circle organised a special evening titled Užitek, čim večkrat se vrni (Beloved sensation, return often and take me). The main theme of the performances and the poems that were read was pleasure. The subtitle was taken from Return, a well-known piece of work by the famous poet Constantine P. Cavafy and the evening began with an expressive dance based on this poem.

During the main part of the evening, students read poems from established Slovenian and international authors. We heard Ko sva sama by Ciril Zlobec, Povej ji, da jo ljubim by Nataša Velikonja and others including works from Pablo Neruda, Rainer Maria Rilke, Jacques Prevert, and Elfriede Jelinek.

The evening ended with an open mic session where young and aspiring authors got a chance to read their own poems and short stories, once again proving how talented our students and teachers are.

Klara Fröbe

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