A new school year – 2023/24
On 1st September, Gimnazija Vič joined other schools across Slovenia in welcoming our students back to the classroom after the summer break.
More »A wide range of projects and activities take place at Gimnazija Vič both inside and outside the classroom. This is your opportunity to find out more about these through the summaries and reports presented here through the school year.
On 1st September, Gimnazija Vič joined other schools across Slovenia in welcoming our students back to the classroom after the summer break.
More »Monday, 2nd September 2024 saw Gimnazija Vič open its doors for the new school year. Although teachers and other school staff had already been busy behind the scenes in the weeks leading up to the start of September, this day allowed us to officially welcome our students into the classrooms.
More »As we approached the December holidays, a number of different events took place at Gimnazija Vič to make sure that we all managed to get into the festive spirit.
More »On Thursday, 21st September 2023, some students of Gimnazija Vič were invited to participate and present their projects at the Cutting Edge conference, which took place at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Ljubljana. We participated in a special section of the conference called Young Minds, which was a new addition to this year’s conference and was designed to allow students with a passion for science to discuss their research.
More »Friday, 24 June marked the annual Day of Youth at our school, during which normal classes are put to one side for the day and other activities are enjoyed instead.
More »Towards the end of December 2024, a delegation from our school's debate club attended the WHO (Winter Holidays Open) international debate tournament in Zagreb, Croatia.
More »This year, the Gimnazija Vič UNESCO/MUN club sent a delegation of 21 students to attend the second DrugaMUN conference, which was held at II. gimnazija Maribor between the 15th and 16th of November.
More »During the last week of April, a delegation of teachers and students from Gimnazija Vič travelled to North Macedonia to meet up with our partner schools in the Erasmus+ Green STEM project.
More »Before the long summer break begins, all four year groups at Gimnazija Vič have different exams and tests to take as a way of showing their progress across the different subjects studied.
More »As always, before the long summer break can be enjoyed, all students had to sit a range of school and national exams to show their progress in all the classes they take at Gimnazija Vič.
More »In March, a group of students from the second and third years at Gimnazija Vič went on the second part of the exchange project with Het Goese Lyceum in the Netherlands.
More »Since 2022, Gimnazija Vič has been part of GreenSTEM (Green Science Teaching Materials for digital learning). This is an Erasmus project that also involves schools from Croatia, Romania, and North Macedonia. This year marked an important part of our participation as it was our turn to be the host school.
More »From 14th to 18th October, a group of 8 students and 4 teachers from Gimnazija Vič participated in an international project as part of the five-year-long Green STEM project.
More »On Tuesday, 24 December 2024, Dr Cvetka Sokolov from the Department of English at the Faculty of Arts at University of Ljubljana, visited classes 3B and 3C.
More »This year, students from Gimnazija Vič marked Halloween with a range of events organised by the school’s student council.
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