Dogodki in novice

School visit: Estonia

On 17th October 2019, we were delighted to welcome a delegation of head teachers from Estonia to our school as part of their visit to Slovenia to learn more about different education systems.

The Gimnazija Vič promotions group was ready with a presentation that allowed our guests to learn more about Slovenia itself, the city of Ljubljana, the general education system in our country, and some specific aspects of student life at our school.

The international audience enjoyed what had been prepared for them and concluded the session with the students with an extended conversation with the members of the group in which they had a chance to ask them questions about their experiences as members of a school community in Slovenia. Our guests asked about a range of topics including what is involved in a typical school day, why students chose to attend Gimnazija Vič in the first place, and how they manage to balance their study workload with their involvement in so many extracurricular activities.

After a tour of the school, there was an opportunity for refreshments and to take time discussing some of the points raised further with the leadership of our school, our school counsellor, representatives of teaching staff, and those who act as mentors for extra-curricular activities at Gimnazija Vič.

The chance to spend time talking to those on both sides of school life here seemed to be greatly appreciated and, had the delegation not had a packed schedule, their time with us could have continued for much longer. However, although they were only with us for a few hours, it was long enough for some optimistic conversations about future cooperation to take place and we look forward to having a chance to deal with members of this group again in a number of different projects.

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