Dogodki in novice

School visit: Austria

On 15 November 2019, we were very pleased to welcome a delegation of teachers from Austria who were visiting Slovenia as part of a major project they were taking part in which had the goal of learning more about the education systems in different European countries.

The day started with the group getting the chance to learn more about Ljubljana through a presentation prepared by our school’s promotions group. This went on to give more specific details about secondary schools in Slovenia and led to a more detailed look at the subjects and extra-curricular activities available at Gimnazija Vic.

After the presentation, the group put forward some questions to be discussed by the students who had taken part in the presentation. Topics such as how students make the choice to attend our school, the structure of the daily timetables, the ways that students deal with stress, and how students balance the activities they are passionate about alongside their school obligations were covered and our group really enjoyed the chance to deal with an audience who were so engaged with their opinions.

The visit to our school continued with a chance for our visitors to attend a class that had been specially prepared by our German department. In the class they got to experience the typical style of language teaching at our school.

We were delighted to have this delegation choose to visit us as part of such a worthwhile project and are happy to note that details have already been exchanged so we can combine our efforts for opportunities for our students to work together. With that in mind, we look forward to some very successful cooperation with the representatives from the different schools involved in the future.

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