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A New School Year – September 2021

The long summer break came to an end when Gimnazija Vič reopened its doors to our students on 1st September.

For the weeks leading up to this day, our school leadership and teaching staff worked hard to make sure that the academic programme would be able to be followed through the year ahead despite the potential for disruption due to covid-related health restrictions. Everyone was happy when the Slovenian government announced that schools could open for in-person teaching with classes staying in their classroom “bubbles” and strict hygiene protocols being followed. Despite our successes in carrying out a full distance learning programme online during the times of school closures, having our students back in a classroom setting was something for which we had been hoping.

Our older students were welcomed back by their class teachers and given their new timetables for the semester ahead. This was a welcome experience as both teachers and students were glad to have the chance to catch up after such a long time away from school.

Special welcome classes and events had been organised for our new generation of students. On their first day, they had the chance to find out more about the school, their teachers, and the basics of the subjects they will cover over the next four years. After a few days of getting to know each other in the school setting, it was time for every class to have a special trip to the Slovenian countryside for a couple of days of camping. During their time away from school, all of our new students had the opportunity to take part in a range of sports, creative projects, team-building exercises, and other activities designed to build up a good network of friendship in their new class groups. As always, the feedback from these camps has been very positive and we would like to thank everyone involved in making them such a success.

We would like to take this opportunity to welcome all our new students to Gimnazija Vič and wish them, along with all of those who are already an important part of our school community, all the very best through the school year ahead.

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