Dogodki in novice

MiniMUN 2018

On 6th October 2018, the Gimnazija Vič UNESCO Club organised MiniMUN 2018, a one-day simulation of a United Nations session. 60 students from five different Slovenian secondary schools joined us in our main hall for a full day of discussing some of the major issues faced by governments and individuals in the world today.

The main purpose of this event was to allow people to get to know more about the MiniMUN concept in general and, with that in mind, we were grateful to have the help of some students who have left our school but who continue to find value in this type of project. In addition, it was a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved to practise and demonstrate their language skills as all the discussions and debates were held in English.

On the day, the three main topics under discussion were in relation to organ trafficking, vaccinations, access to medical care and services, sexual violence, and domestic violence. All of the themes were selected to reflect some of the core issues being debated in contemporary politics.

Students acted as both national delegates and as chairs of the relevant committees. This allowed everyone to demonstrate their skills in terms of presenting their ideas to the group, drafting resolutions for discussion, and putting forward the viewpoint of the national governments they were selected to represent.

In terms of judging, the criteria were set along the lines of what would be expected at such an occasion in the public sphere. Students had to demonstrate creativity of ideas, good presentation skills, appropriateness of tone, and show how their arguments could be well backed up with evidence and knowledge. Special commendations and awards were given to those who stood out as being especially skilled and well prepared in their work for the debates.

Special commendations on the day went to Luka Orlić, Ana Štefan, Luka Cuder and Maruša Škerjanc Lapajne.

We would like to take the opportunity to thank those involved with the Gimnazija Vič UNESCO Club for organising the event, those students and mentors from other schools for their preparation and participation on the day, and the sponsors. In addition, we very much look forward to our strong cooperation in other such events in the future.

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