Dogodki in novice

MiniMUN 2019

On 4th October 2019, the students of the Gimnazija Vič UNESCO Club organized MiniMUN 2019, the third edition of Model United Nations conference at our school. It was attended by students from all across Slovenia – from Ljutomer to Ptuj, Maribor, Ljubljana to Kranj, and all the way to Koper.

Students debated one of the two assigned topics in their chosen committee with a focus on solving the given problem. The Economic and Social Committee debated the question of slowing the brain drain from developing nations while the Social, Humanitarian and Cultural Committee debated the right to wear religious clothing and symbols.

Through the power of communication, cooperation, and compromise, delegates representing countries all over the world were able to write two draft resolutions on the topics with some solutions that would enable the countries involved to achieve their full potential and ensure that their citizens live in a discrimination-free and multicultural society where different religions and cultures would be able to live in harmony. Delegates worked together to achieve permanent and effective solutions that would help the world attain peace and prosperity.

Of course we didn’t forget to have a lot of fun through a series of on-the-stop made up flash mobs and singing performances from the organizing team and different delegates. Our guests left our school in the evening with a full head of knowledge and a lot of new friends.

It has been a privilege organizing such a great event and we would like to thank everyone who helped with the organization of the conference.

Maja Kalin
Secretary General, UNESCO Club of Gimnazija Vič

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Maja Kalin,