Dogodki in novice

Exam Results 2020/21

The school year came to an end with our first three year groups getting their final grades and report cards and our fourth year students taking their Matura exams, the state exams for those who are finishing their secondary education in the “gimnazija” programme.

Although classes had been disrupted through the year as a result of covid-related closures, the exams went ahead in much the same way as previous times.

On the day of the results being announced, a special event was held in the school for students to meet up with their teachers and the school leadership team. As well as getting the confirmation regarding how well they did in their chosen subjects, students were able to find out if they had been awarded special commendations.

We are happy to say that the hard work and determination of our students and their teachers paid off and our fourth-years did very well across the board when it came to their final results.

All of our students received passing grades in all the exams they sat at the end of the school year. In addition, 31 were given the Gold Matura Prize, meaning they were among those getting the very top grades across Slovenia.

An additional mention must go to the three students who were given the Diamond Matura Prize which is a very special commendation for those who were awarded the maximum points possible across all their exams and only 15 were given for this generation of students across the entire country. The students who receive this award are usually invited to receive their prize at a special ceremony hosted by the Slovenian president.

We would like to congratulate all of our students and wish them all the very best as they leave us to continue their academic journey at universities and colleges in Slovenia and beyond.

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