Dogodki in novice

Exam results 2019/20

The end of the school year is marked by students in our first three year groups getting their reports and final grades for the year while our final year students have to sit their Matura exams, the state exams for those finishing the “gimnazija” type of secondary school in Slovenia.

It goes without saying that this year forced us to work within a very different set of circumstances as schools across Slovenia, like those in countries around the world, were shut down due to the global health crisis so students and teachers had to move to a distance learning programme for the last part of the school year.

Unlike some other countries, the decision was made that the final exams would go ahead so systems were brought in to make sure that students could sit the tests while limiting any additional risk to their health. This meant that our first three year groups remained at home and took their classes online and the school was only open to students in the final year for a fortnight of exam preparation and the final tests. The school operated strict hygiene protocols while also doing all that was possible to ensure that the situation was as free of additional stress as possible.

We are delighted to say that the efforts of our students and teachers through these difficult times paid off and the generation leaving us this year did incredibly well across the board when it came to their exam results.

Students met with their teachers and the school leadership team through the day on 13th July to receive their Matura results and their special commendations from the school and state. While this would usually be a single event in the morning, due to restrictions in place for health and safety, the different classes met in smaller groups across the entire day. While it was strange for many for it to be like this, it was an occasion of great joy for those who received such good grades while also catching up with classmates and teachers who they had not seen properly in a long time.

While all our students did very well and we are delighted to say that every one of them received passing grades in all their exams, some deserve a special mention.

43 of our students were awarded the Gold Matura Prize which is given to those who receive the best grades in Slovenia. In addition, four of our students were commended for scoring 100% in the exams they chose to take.

Extra praise must also go to the 6 students who received the Diamond Matura Award which is given to those who scored the maximum points possible across all their exams. This is of special note as only 15 of these commendations were awarded across all of Slovenia in 2020. This great achievement is usually marked by the students being invited to a special ceremony hosted by the president of Slovenia.

We would like to congratulate all our students once again and take the opportunity to wish them well as they go on to continue their academic journey at university.

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