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Literary event – 23 March 2022

On 23rd March 2022, a literary evening was hosted by the students of Gimnazija Vič. Students and teachers from our school, as well as other invited people attended the event. The theme was 'Woman' as the International Women's Day is celebrated in the same month.

The event started with a speech that announced the program of the day's literary evening. Then members of our school's literature club read works by published female poets, two of which are our teachers. This was followed by the open mic part of the evening at which anyone present was welcome to go up on the stage and read their own work. The atmosphere the members of the literature club created was very calm and friendly to anyone who may have been nervous to read their work in public. Some of them read their poetry, some read their short stories and one even rapped. Some members of the group had waited a long time for this chance to present their work to an audience while others were convinced to step on stage by their friends on the spot. Of course, every single one of them got a loud round of applause.

The event came to an end with the good news that the literary evening was not a one-time occasion. The group are planning another one which should take place in May and there will be more in the next years as well. This will allow as many people as possible to enjoy being part of the audience for such a good occasion and to hear their friends perform their own work.

Katarina Adam

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