Dogodki in novice

Jordan excursion

At the start of February, students of Gimnazija Vič were given the chance to spending their winter holidays in Jordan. Before the trip, meetings were held and information was shared about the places we would visit which allowed us to build up more excitement about our travel plans.

The trip began on the 3rd February when students met in Ljubljana to travel by bus to the airport in Bergamo. After boarding the bus, students were given the rest of the documents they needed and got the chance to hear the final schedule for our time away. The trip to Bergamo took 6 hours and after a 4 hour flight we finally arrived in Jordan.

Before going to the hotel, students were given the chance to go and buy lunch which was an exciting opportunity to try some new dishes. Then we were given a tour of the different mosaics in Madaba and taken to Mount Nebo, from which we could see the Dead Sea and even Israel. After a long day the students finally arrived at their hotel in Amman.

The next day, our group went to visit the north of Jordan where they saw remnants of the old Roman city in Jerash and Ajloun which is a castle from the time of The Crusades. After another very busy day, the group once again rested in Amman. On the 4th day, we were taken to visit a castle named Kerak on our way to the city of Petra. After arriving in Petra, we had a bit of time to eat lunch before going to visit one of the Wonders of the World, the ancient city of Petra. We spent the rest of the day here and stayed in a nearby hotel where we got the chance to rest in preparation for our last day in Jordan and our journey home.

We would like to thank the teachers and travel agency representatives who made this such a memorable holiday and who made sure that we saw so many of the important ancient sites.

Nej Gazibara and Žiga Kovačič

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