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Book Club: Halloween 2018

On Thursday 25th October, the Gimnazija Vič Book Club organised its annual event to celebrate Halloween. With a range of other classes, presentations, and displays organised in the weeks ahead of this event, many students were looking forward to getting to take part in this traditional highlight of the school year.

As has become tradition, the event started with the showing of a classic film. This year, the 1972 British classic horror “Tales from the Crypt” was selected as the opportunity for our students to watch the type of film they wouldn’t normally choose for their own Halloween celebrations.

This was followed with a discussion about which books would be appropriate to read over the Halloween holidays. This year, a selection of books with typical themes for this time of year were divided up into Tricks (Ones which are frightening, gory, disturbing, etc.) and Treats (Ones which are funny, lighthearted, less realistic, etc.). This meant that even if the book was about vampires, zombies, or other monsters, there were suggestions put forward for those of a range of reading levels and with different viewpoints of being scared by what they’re reading!

After some time for refreshments, it was time for our traditional Quiz of Horrors for which students teamed up to demonstrate their knowledge of Halloween themes. Books, films, traditions, superstitions, and several other topics came up during the quiz so the students had to show off their general knowledge in order to win another set of goodies to enjoy at their own celebrations.

As well as the event itself, special classes were set aside during October so our first-year students could get involved with some Halloween creativity. The different stories, poems, greetings, and book ideas were put together as part of our display and the very best pieces were rewarded with some “Trick or Treat” prizes.

With the range of projects and the event itself, the Halloween celebrations are popular with students and mentors alike. We are already looking forward to other such events for cultural occasions through the year ahead.

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