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BOOK CLUB: Halloween 2017

On 26th October, Gimnazija Vič Book Club held its annual event to celebrate Halloween. With presentations held in the weeks running up to the occasion, students from across the year groups were looking forward to this traditional moment in the Book Club’s calendar.

In addition, students from the first year classes had the opportunity to use their creativity to work on different parts of a Halloween display. They managed to impress with their work and the pieces which stood out most were awarded some “Trick or Treat” goodies.

The event itself started with a presentation of aspects of modern horror through the viewing of two episodes of the BBC series “Inside No.9”. This allowed us to discuss how a “horror” story can have aspects of humour connected to it and how a twist in the tale can be used to entertain the audience.

Then we had a presentation of some books which would be suitable for reading over the autumn holidays. The Book Club mentors talked about how different general topics (ghosts, zombies, vampires, etc.) can be covered in a broad range of different ways. The books included traditional and modern horror, humour, romance, and other genres as well so there were many good ideas given as to what students could add to their reading lists.

The event ended with our traditional Quiz of Horrors. Students had the chance to demonstrate their knowledge of various subjects connected to Halloween with rounds on books, traditions, and even celebrity costumes.

The first major event of the Book Club calendar was judged to be a big success as it left us all very much in the mood to continue our Halloween celebrations and we look forward to many more cultural occasions through the year ahead.

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