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Erasmus+ Green STEM project

During the last week of April, a delegation of teachers and students from Gimnazija Vič travelled to North Macedonia to meet up with our partner schools in the Erasmus+ Green STEM project.

As well as our own school, this project includes Colegiului Național Dragoș Vodă from Romania, V. gimnazija from Croatia, and Gimnazija Algoritam from North Macedonia who were the host institution for this event.

Our time at the school involved getting to know the other students and mentors through a range of different activities, taking part in a number of workshops, listening to several presentations, and putting forward our own ideas in some discussions. The range of topics was impressively diverse from aspects of plant life through to robotic engineering.

Over two days of the well-planned programme, students were able to demonstrate their own knowledge in different areas, learn from each other, listen to the different teachers and mentors, and ultimately build up their abilities.

As well as the purely educational side of things, the host school had arranged some tourist activities during which we were able to encounter the beauty of the local landscape and find out more about the city of Skopje. In addition, we were treated to a special dramatic performance organised by our hosts at which they celebrated the 15th anniversary of their school.

This was a great beginning to a very important project and we look forward to working with our Erasmus+ Green STEM partners in other projects in the near future.

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