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Exam results (2018/19)

The school year came to an end with our students doing well across the board in their end of year exams.

While the first three year groups could go straight into enjoying the long summer break, those in the fourth year had to wait until the publication of their Matura results before getting into the summer spirit. This set of exams is the state examination for those in their final year of secondary education and good grades are needed in order for these students to get into their preferred courses at university.

At the start of July, these students met with their teachers and our school’s leadership team to find out their results and we are happy to say it was a great year for everyone involved.

26 of our students were awarded the Gold Matura Prize which goes to those who achieved the very best grades from across Slovenia. In addition three of our students got a special mention for getting the highest marks in Slovenia in a particular subject.

The final moment of extra praise has to go to the three students who received the highest possible accolade in terms of this set of exams, the Diamond Matura Award, which means that scored the maximum number of examination points across all their subjects. This achievement is made even more special by pointing out that only eight such commendations were given in Slovenia as a whole.

We would like to congratulate all of our final-year students once more for having done so well and for the hard work they put in during their time at Gimnazija Vič. We wish them all the very best as they leave us to go on to the next stage of their education as they go forth to attend university.

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