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Exam results (2017/18)

This school year came to an end with students from all four years at Gimnazija Vič achieving great success in their exams.

In their final year at our school, students sit the Matura exam which is the state examination at the end of the gimnazija set of secondary schools and in which good results are needed to get into students’ chosen courses at university.

In July, students from the fourth year arrived in school to find out their results and for those who did especially well to receive commendations.

We were thrilled to discover that 27 of our students ended up with the “Gold Matura Prize” which is awarded to those who got the best grades from right across Slovenia.

In addition, two of our students achieved full marks in the exams they took with six receiving a 100% score in one of their examinations.

With the students from the other three years of study staying with us on their academic journey, we take the opportunity to wish this generation of final-year students all the very best as they continue on to study at university.

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