Dogodki in novice

Cutting Edge conference

On Thursday, 21st September 2023, some students of Gimnazija Vič were invited to participate and present their projects at the Cutting Edge conference, which took place at the Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology of Ljubljana. We participated in a special section of the conference called Young Minds, which was a new addition to this year’s conference and was designed to allow students with a passion for science to discuss their research.

We presented the three following projects:

  • Ela Podboršek and Tim Strnad: “Advanced superhydrophobic coatings based on modified silica nanoparticles deposited on glass and aluminium surface”
  • Maša Bratkovič and Zoja Jesih: “Designed sensors of viral activity based on re-engineered innate immunity components”
  • Olimpia Kupljen and Livija Pirc: “Effect of monocarboxylic acids on properties of metal-organic frameworks”

Apart from presenting our own research, we attended some very interesting seminars, including ones by well-established scientists and successful companies such as Pipistrel and Cinkarna.

Maša Bratkovič

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