Dogodki in novice

“Cinema under the Stars”

As its first event for this school year, the Gimnazija Vič student council organised “Cinema under the Stars”. This was a chance for students to meet up and enjoy a couple of films while also appreciating the end of the warm summer weather.

Around 200 students met in the square behind our school on 21st September where members of the student council had set up a projector, sound system, and a big screen that ended up taking up most of the side of the school gym. Those who planned to attend arrived with picnics and blankets as they found a space on the grass to sit and watch the movies.

As well as having the chance to enjoy a couple of specially-selected films, there was other entertainment on offer. Some students enjoyed the chance to perform and listen to some songs as part of a camp fire experience and there was even a video game tournament organised indoors for those who wished to demonstrate their skills there.

This successful event was the opening act of this year’s student council who have many great ideas for the time ahead to make sure that students at Gimnazija Vič enjoy their time here.

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