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Book Club: Christmas 2018

On 13th December, Gimnazija Vič Book Club held its annual event to celebrate Christmas. With a mixture of literature, presentations, reading lists, and other entertainment, there was something to encourage everyone to join in with the festive celebrations.

The theme for the main event this year was “The Spirit of Christmas”. This showed itself through A Christmas Carol being chosen as one of our books of the month as well as providing a good topic of discussion in English classes about what this time of year means to different people.

At the event, students had the chance to watch some classic British comedy shows. This was followed by some of our students reading poems and extracts from books, diaries, and letters connected to our central theme. From Ebenezer Blackadder twisting the Christmas message to Robert Louis Stevenson’s feelings about winter weather, there was a broad range of perspectives on the season enjoyed by the audience.

After the presentations, it was time for some delicious refreshments provided by our school canteen and our annual Quiz of the Year. As always, students had the chance to display their knowledge of Christmas traditions while also showing that they’d been paying attention to events in the news over 2018.

As well as the event itself, book displays and reading lists were organised by the Book Club mentors. Students often make the point about not having enough time to read for pleasure through the year due to the pressure of keeping on top of their school work and other activities that take up a lot of their regular day. However, the Christmas and New Year holidays are a good time for hiding away from the cold weather with a good book so a number of posters promoting popular choices from our book club members, new items available in our school library, and answers to questions about which books could be enjoyed connected to different themes were put on display in the English classrooms and in other areas where students could find out more about what our library offers.

All these things combined to get everyone involved into the right frame of mind to enjoy the holidays ahead with plenty of Christmas spirit.

Thank you to the readers who took part in the presentation, all the students who showed up to join in with the fun, and to the Book Club mentors for their hard work in putting together events such as this through the school year.

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