“Be a Writer” competition 2022
Pionirski dom Centre for Youth Culture is one of the leading institutions in the field of creative writing for children and young people. One of its main missions is to support and inspire young authors on their creative path, as well as offer them opportunities to develop their skills. For this purpose, this year, for the ninth year in a row, members of the centre organized a creative writing competition called Bodi pisatelj/pisateljica (Be a writer). The competition allowed Slovenian students aged 6 to 18 years old to put forward their original and non-published pieces of haiku and prose in both Slovene and foreign languages, from which a jury chose the best ones.
On 21st April, the authors whose work had been selected to be given an award, were invited to a ceremony at the Festivalna dvorana (Festival Hall). The event was enjoyable due to the wonderful readings of the commissioned works which were enhanced by live musical performances and short interviews with the members of the jury, through which we got to know their different fields of work.
The ceremony was followed by a workshop at which young authors were able to improve their skills and develop their creativity. This year, the centre offered four different workshops, from which the invited young people were able to choose: an impro poetry workshop, a screenplay workshop, a creative writing workshop, and an improvisational theatre workshop. In addition, the centre also prepared a workshop for the authors’ mentors and taught them how to create innovative texts.
Ema Dedić
We are delighted to add that Ema Dedić was awarded a prize for her short story in the English language. We would like to congratulate her on this great achievement.