Dogodki in novice

Art exhibition – May 2022

On 24th May 2022, an art exhibition was organised by the art club of Gimnazija Vič.

The majority of the paintings were put on display in the school hall, where the main presentation also took place, while other pieces were shown in different places around the school building. The project was organised by the club's mentor, Ms. Jana Ozimek, one of the Slovene teachers at our school. This was an especially important event as it is the last one that she will organise before her retirement.

Of course many students helped with organisation and performance. Some recited poetry, some played musical instruments, some danced, and some sang.

One of them, Ana Stergar, read one of the poems from her own collection of poetry. Among the performers was also Lado Jakša, who prepared a presentation of all the exhibited paintings which he accompanied with his music.

At the end of the show, speeches were given by Ms. Ozimek, Mr. Jakša, Ms. Krapež who is the principal of our school, and Mr. Bajrović who is another mentor of our art club. They all took time to congratulate the artists on their work and talent.

The show was performed twice that day. First, for the students and teachers of the school and then later in the afternoon for the parents. We are happy that many of the paintings can still be seen by our students as they have been put on display around our school until later in the year.

Katarina Adam

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